Everyone likes to have more space for their stuff when they have a house or an apartment. Sometimes it seems like you can never get enough space for everything to fit! With a new year just upon us, it would be a great time to make one of the DIY projects and New Year's Resolutions to create more space for your things all over your house. A good place to start would be your bedroom. You can never have enough drawers for sheets and pillow cases, blankets, or extra pillows for guests. And if you have a bathroom that joins your bedroom, then plenty of space for towels and washcloths are a must. One way to create extra storage space for something is to have a bed that serves as a dual purpose for sleeping and for storing bedding. One way to do this is to build drawers underneath the bed to free up some closet space. With just a few simple steps and a few materials, you can create a neat nook for some extra bedding with your own personal creative flair. Take a look at the link below to see what you can do to start your new year off right
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
A Sweet Tasting Tart
Who doesn't like pecan pie? Especially pecan pie around Thanksgiving and Christmas. They are filling, personal pies that happen to be square! They are an easy to make dessert that will lend a professional look to any table. They are easy to take with you if you are taking them to a party or reception away from home. Adults and children will like them and with this recipe you will get thirty six tarts, which will feed a lot of guests with a serious sweet tooth! With just a few ingredients and simple steps you will have a dessert that will make you look good. Take a look at the link below to whip up this delicious treat. Even Santa would eat them instead of the usual cookies and milk left by the tree!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Man's Best Friend
According the the U.S. Pet Ownership Statistics (yes, there really is a site for that!), 36.5% of households own a dog. Dogs can be a constant companion for some, a playmate for the kids, and a best friend to others. Although they are a big responsibility and an extra added expense, the benefits from owning a dog can be so rewarding in so many different ways. Once you decide you want a dog, then you have to decide what kind of dog you want or which kind will be best for you. If you are single, you may want a different kind of dog than someone might want that has a whole family that have children. Some breeds are very calm, which would make them good around children. Some are good for show dogs that require a lot of maintenance to look good and some dogs are good as guard dogs. Whatever the reason you want a dog, be sure to know all about the dog that you can and give yourself time to decide which one would be best for you. For more information, please click on the link below.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
A Mantle For All Seasons
We've all see the cozy photos of a room with the family Christmas tree with all of the gifts around it. The fireplace decorated with garland all the way across the mantle with stockings filled to the brim, Or the one of a man and woman sitting in front of a fireplace having a romantic meal with a roaring fire and candles lit all the way across the mantle for ambiance. Winter has just hit for this year and many people have fireplaces, but may not have mantles over them. There are many different types of mantles in many different types of materials. Some people like very simple, smooth, wooden mantles that may either be stained or painted. Others may like a mantle that is very thick and rustic made of hewn wood such as cedar. You might want an antique mantle with lots of ornate woodwork and carvings or even a brick mantle. Whatever your choice, a mantle can be a wonderful addition to a fireplace that you can personalize in your own way with photos, clocks, or books. The possibilities are endless and you can spice them up even more for every holiday. Check out the link below to see how to add a mantle to your fireplace.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Make Your Own Halloween Ghosts
It's almost Halloween and kids are preparing to be scared out of their pants from all of the props or decorations that cover yards and houses. There are several different things that will make kids and maybe even some adults scared and one of the most common is a ghost. Ghosts are such simple spirits, no pun intended, that they are easy and very inexpensive to create. You can hang them from your trees or your porch or even have them hovering around in your yard. With just a few simple materials and a great imagination, your house and yard can be a graveyard of fun! Check out the link below to see the materials you will need to make your Halloween a spooky good time!
Friday, October 4, 2013
Have Yard, Will Play
Everybody loves their dogs and just like people, dogs need exercise too. One thing that would help them get the exercise they need and create the type of environment that your dog will enjoy and not become bored with, is to create a play area. Dogs are a lot like kids in that they love to play. You want to create a place for them that it is ok to do this in, otherwise your entire yard will be torn to shreds! You can do this in an inexpensive way that is easy to do. With just nine simple steps and some materials, you will have a place that makes your dogs happy and you as well. You will both be getting the exercise you need and will still have a yard of your own that looks great. Just click on the link below to see what materials you will need and the steps to create a play area for your dogs.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Homemade Strawberry Cheesecake
Cheesecake is one of those mouthwatering desserts that will get you applause if you make it right. It takes time to make one, but it is worth the effort. It is a great dessert that can be eaten for breakfast with a cup of coffee, or after a meal. You can even have it as a midnight snack. There is no wrong time to eat cheesecake! That rich creamy texture mixed with strawberries will be a delight to your mouth. You can always go and buy a cheesecake that is professionally made, but why do that when you can make the same one at home and get all the credit for it? Making your own will also save you money. The right recipe in the right hands will have your guests coming back for more and begging you for a copy of it! Click on the link below to get the ingredients you will need to make your winning cheesecake.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Something New From Something Old
Everything has a purpose. Well, almost everything! There are some things that have even more than one purpose. If you can look beyond what something was to what something can be, sometimes you can end up with a really neat new piece. For example, a wire basket that's old and rusted, can be painted, turned upside down, and made into an awesome light fixture. Here's a thought for a funky, cool headboard...an old picket fence with salvaged wood. You can make it look so many different ways. It can be painted or stained and in this case, it is white washed. It will give you that country or coastal feel to your room. With just a few supplies and just a few simple directions, you can create a headboard with a new purpose. Just click on the link below to see how to do it.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Closet Under The Stairs
You buy a little house in the country with a loft upstairs and move what small amount of possessions that you have into it. Then you get married and start a family. Over the years, your small amount of possessions that you had turns into a lot of stuff! With a house that has a staircase, you can create an extra little nook where you can store a lot of stuff that you might otherwise have run out of room for. Things like videos and dvds, books, or toys. Maybe even a place for your pet's food. It can be a place where you can turn a space that was wasted into a space with a purpose. In just six simple steps you can have it finished and put whatever you want there and give it a creative flair that you designed all on your own, with shelving and paint that makes a statement. Take a look at the link below to see how it can be done.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
A House Fit For A.....Dog
Our dogs. They do so much for us. They're happy to see us when we get home, they protect us, and they love us unconditionally. A lot of our dogs live inside the house with us living their luxurious lifestyles, but there are so many that are outside dogs. It would be really nice if we could give them the kind of house that every dog deserves that would keep them from getting wet when it rains or even protect them from the temperatures, whether it is hot or cold. The only kind of dog house that would give your dog this kind of protection would be an insulated dog house. With a few materials and six steps, you can make your mutt very happy and know that you have provided him/her with the kind of house they need. Take a look at the link below to see how to build your dog a house they can call a home.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Enjoy Birdwatching From Your Back Yard
It is always a joy to watch animals, no matter what kind they are, but some people especially enjoy watching birds. The spring is when everything comes alive, but this easy project can be done any time of the year. Maybe you are an avid photographer and enjoy taking photos of birds or you might have a grandparent that just enjoys seeing them build their home and watch as they make their daily trips in and out of it. Whatever the reason, you will make your feathered friends a lot safer by putting their birdhouse up on a post. This will help keep out unwanted animals such as cats from being able to get at them and their babies. Putting a birdhouse up on a post is an inexpensive and easy thing to do. With just a few materials and a few easy steps, you will have it done. Click on the link below to see how to get it done.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Pecan Tarts To Melt Your Heart
Do you ever want a dessert that is so good, like a pie, but in smaller versions? Well, here is just the thing. Pecan tarts. They are essentially a tiny little pie. These are the perfect thing to take to a party or a reception when you have a lot of people to serve and you can't cut each one of them a uniform piece of a pie like pecan because it would just be messy. This way, they get their very own pie all to themselves! They may take a while to make, but are easy and they will look and taste so good you will be proud you made them. Just click on the link below to get the recipe,which will make 36 tarts.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Jiminy Cricket....or Not!
There are people that love to hear the sounds of the cicadas and the crickets in the summertime, but there are also people that don't like the sound of any of the "bug" noises at night when they are trying to sleep. To them, this is not any more pleasant than hearing a mosquito buzzing in their ear. There are several ways to get rid of crickets without using harmful pesticides and unless you want to catch a bucketful of them daily to go fishing, you can check out some of the ones in the link to the article below. Not only is it informative of the natural ways to get rid of crickets, it also gives tips on gardening!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Cleaning Out The Clogs
I know that checking the gutters ranks right up there with working on or replacing a toilet. Nobody wants to have to do either of those jobs, but with the abundance of rain we have had this year, it might be time to check the old gutter system of your house. High winds and rain from all of the storms could have blown numerous amounts of limbs and leaves onto the top of your house and into your gutter causing it to become clogged or maybe even damaging a section of it. A lot of times we forget about the things we can't see and think that everything is fine or that a gutter that might not be functioning properly is not a big deal, but it can cause real problems if you let it go, such as roof damage and damage to the ground surrounding your home, which in turn can cause structural damage if your house were to settle in the uneven areas. But all of this is preventable. With a few easy steps on how to problem check your gutter system or on how to replace your system entirely, you can keep costly problems from arising and save yourself a lot of hard work in the long run! Click on this link below to see how to check your gutter system and some tips of keeping it maintained.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Don't Be Chicken About Cooking Bar-B-Que Chicken!
Who don't like a big dish of bar-b-que chicken? It is a much loved dish at pic-nics, potlucks, and parties and is usually accompanied by a big bowl of potato salad, baked beans, and corn on the cob with a side of coleslaw! There are a couple of different ways to cook it. You can grill it, or you can bake it, either way is good. Sometimes if the weather doesn't cooperate and it is raining, you will be unable to grill it, and baking is the only way to go. Also, when grilling chicken, you have to cook it long and slow over low heat so that it will cook thouroughly and not burn and you may not have time to do that, so again, baking would be the better method. Baking is a great way to do it because you can walk away from the oven and prepare other foods or do other things while it is cooking, and while grilling you have to constantly keep an eye on it. Here is a link with an easy recipe for baking your bar-b-que chicken with all the ingredients listed that will make sure you end up with a tasty dish that will please everyone!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Kill What Bugs You And Your Plants The Safe Way
You love flowers and fruits and vegetables, but you don't love the bugs that are forever trying to kill your beautiful rosebuds, and the tomato worms that attack your tomato plants and leave you with an empty garden. You don't like using harsh chemical sprays that have warning labels a mile long that give you nightmares at night of accidentally getting some on your skin or sneezing and inhaling the fumes that will put you into an early grave! How do you get rid of the pests and have a beautiful flower garden or produce garden that will make you proud? Try the organic method of pest control. It is much safer and was used long before the chemical pesticides were ever produced and sold on the retail market. Just a few every day ingredients can be used in a broad range of pest control that will leave your plants, (flowers, fruits, or vegetables), pest and pesticide free. Take a look a the link below to give you a list of what to get, and what pests it is good for.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Say No To Crack! (In Your Sink)
Despite the catchy article title, you really are upset if your sink, and one that looks like real marble, gets a crack in it. The sink is one of the most heavily used items in the house and goes through a lot of wear and tear by you and your family. Occasionally something heavy gets dropped in it or falls on it and it can get cracked, but here's the cool part, curltured marble, or man made marble which is cheaper than real marble, can be easily fixed and can save you a lot of money from having to have it replaced. With a few supplies, ten to be exact, and just four easy steps, the crack in your sink can be repaired! Take a look at the link below to see what you can do to help say "no" to crack!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Pollen Pollen, Go Away!
The season is upon us for runny noses, itchy, watery eyes and coughing. It seems like all you can do to breathe. Many people have a terrible time with allergies, and there are so many things that can trigger your allergies that you are constantly sneezing, just praying for the pollen to finally go away! Everything from dust, pollen, and mold to many other things in between. You've heard every condolence from "bless you", to "gesundheit". Sadly enough, there's no way to completely get away from it, but there are several simple things you can do to try and keep your exposure less severe that you probably haven't thought of, and there are also remedies and medications that will lessen the severity of the sympotms of your allergies as well. Take a look at the link below to see all the different ways you can go about making the best of the seasonal allergy time of the year as painless as possible.
Monday, March 11, 2013
The Trick To Painting Sheet Metal
There is a trick to painting sheet metal so that it will stick and not come off. Also, if done right, sheet metal can be a great and ecconomical way to decorate or re-decorate a buisness or even your home. You can create a wall or a decorative accent panel in many different styles with sheet metal that will create just the kind of look you want. It can be left corrugated or flat, depending on how you want it to look. Use it in your workshop as a wall that you can display your tools from. You can even paint it and then use it as a memo board and attach notes or photos to it with magnets. It can even be used to cover objects, such as table tops or maybe for a lid on a toy box. It can be used any number of things you can think of with any design. The possibilites are limitless! All you need are a few materials to get started, and in about five easy steps, you will have created your look. Take a look at the link below to see the proper way to paint your sheet metal.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Building An Insulated Dog House
For dog owners that have an outside dog, it is a necessity to have a dog house. It will protect your pooch from the weather such as the hot sun, wind, rain, or cold. When the weather is bitterly cold it can keep your dog from freezing to death. They need protection from the elements just as bad as we do. An insulated dog house is the perfect shelter for your dog on hot or cold days. It is easy to build, doesn't cost a lot, and your dog will be wagging his/her tail over it! You can design a cute house for your dog and make it look like a mansion or like a barn. You can even add extra luxuries such as carpet and a rubber flap for the door to help keep out the wind and rain even more, and of course you can pick out the color to paint it! Check out the directions to build the dog house and the list of items from the link below that you'll need to make your dog the home of his/her dreams and get as creative as you like!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Unclogging A Drain From Simple Stuff At Home
The kitchen sink is backed up again and you just got home from your hour long drive into town and of course you didn't buy a commercial drain unclogging solution. Hmmm...what to do? You can either go back into town, and you sure don't want to call an expensive plumber, or you can try this helpful home remedy for unclogging your drain here. It is a mixture of baking soda and vinegar in six simple steps that will have your drain unclogged in no time and will save you some extra cash and another trip to town.
Just click on the link below to see how and when to do each step and how to mix your ingredients the right way.
Just click on the link below to see how and when to do each step and how to mix your ingredients the right way.
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