There is a trick to painting sheet metal so that it will stick and not come off. Also, if done right, sheet metal can be a great and ecconomical way to decorate or re-decorate a buisness or even your home. You can create a wall or a decorative accent panel in many different styles with sheet metal that will create just the kind of look you want. It can be left corrugated or flat, depending on how you want it to look. Use it in your workshop as a wall that you can display your tools from. You can even paint it and then use it as a memo board and attach notes or photos to it with magnets. It can even be used to cover objects, such as table tops or maybe for a lid on a toy box. It can be used any number of things you can think of with any design. The possibilites are limitless! All you need are a few materials to get started, and in about five easy steps, you will have created your look. Take a look at the link below to see the proper way to paint your sheet metal.