Saturday, May 14, 2011


I'm riding in my truck, the windows are fogging up, I look over to the right and see an image that makes me smile. Its not much to some, but it's a lot to me. It's a little print on my window of nothing special, just toes.

But when I see that, it makes me think of a lot of different things. There's the foot prints on the beach that get washed away when the waves come crashing on shore and there's always the little story that everyone has hanging on a wall in their house about Jesus and only seeing one set of foot prints.Today though, it makes me think of you. I know we have our differences and we have our problems but the one thing we have is love.

I think we all, from time to time, have had that one image that you see, and it triggers the memory bank inside your brain and all of those sweet memories of days gone by start flooding back. Maybe it was the time your grandpa took you fishing and you sat on the bank of a creek somewhere. You may not have even got a bite, but now that you look back on it, that was quality time.

What about that time you were riding in the car with your mom and her favorite song came on the radio and she started singing and dancing in the car. Just to see her face light up made you start dancing too.

What about that first date you went on to the local burger joint and then maybe the movie you went to? When that song comes on the radio that was playing that night, I bet you look back in your memory and smile, saying; "what fun we had."

What it all means to me, is life flies by too fast, and before you know it, people you love have passed on, friends have moved, and times have changed.

Just remember always take time to stop and enjoy the world we live in, cause the truth is were only passing through.

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