Monday, February 24, 2014

Making Spring Repairs To Your Stoop

The wild winds of winter are gone with the snow and ice and what is left may be a mess. Moisture in the wood surfaces and any cement or brick surfaces will freeze and make cracks appear and eventually chunks of material break off of your house, which will interfere with the integrity of your home. This could cause air to be able to get in or more moisture which will create more damage and even possibly mold. It will cause a decrease in the value of your home and will make it less attractive. Now that spring is here, you can start making the much needed repairs and make your house look great. With some basic materials and six easy steps you will have it done. Check out the link below for directions how to repair it.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Think You Can Can Fruit? Yes You Can!

Summer is only a few months away. Time to start thinking and planning what types of snacks you would like to put back for those cold winter months or maybe if you are a zombie fighting, post apocalyptic survivalist type who just wants to be prepared for anything! Whatever the case may be, you can have delicious fruit to tide you over during those times. With just a few items and seven easy steps, you will be able to enjoy fruits such as peaches, pears, strawberries, blueberries, and more. Preserve them to just eat right out of the jar or to use for cobblers or pie fillings. Take a look at the link below to see how to can your own fruits. You will be a hit with your family and friends during the cold winter months or a hit in your survivalist camp with your Dutch oven cobbler baked over your campfire!