Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Swag or Sag?

The garage door is often at the front of your house and a main entranceway. It can easily be seen from the curb of your street and can add to the attractiveness of your property or it can take away from it. The garage is also plays a factor in the security of your house. If the door itself or the wood frame around the door is rotting, thieves could find a way into your garage more easily. Rodents and insects could make their way into your house as well, plus the temperature of your garage could be compromised and this in turn could change the temperature of  the rooms around and above your garage. You should consider this and check to make sure the wood frame around the garage door is still intact and that the concrete below it is not crumbling. Despite sounding like a complicated fix, these are still some things that anyone can learn to do. Take a look at the link below to see how to make sure your garage is in tip top shape.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Removing Carpet Indentations

We all like to get new things from time to time or we like to change our surroundings so that we don't see the same old things every day, year after year. You might also be doing a professional make over on someone's home and have a budget to follow and run into this problem. If you have ever rearranged the furniture in your house or someone else's or replaced old furniture with new items, then you will know what I'm talking about. Your carpet or rug can have indentations that show exactly where your old furniture was. This can be annoying and look bad, but you may not have the funds to go buy a new carpet and the good news is it can be corrected. With just a few materials and the right way to do it, the indentions will begin to blend back into their normal shape again. Take a look at the link below to see what materials you will need and the proper way to get rid of those indentations.
