Wednesday, June 15, 2011


As things change, you notice some of the changes and the other ones you don't.
I noticed a few weeks ago I'm getting grey in my beard! What's up with that? Grey...really? I'm a few days away from my 29th birthday and already going grey. I thought grey hit you when you were in your late 40's.
Well, as all humans do, now I'm looking myself over and thinking that just the other day my barber told me, "Gentry your not gonna be able to get your hair cut like this much longer."  I told him it sounded like he was trying to run off business!  LOL!
So, not only am I going grey, I'm going bald. Talk about And here I thought I was doing pretty good! So, what makes it all this way?  Is it stress, maybe work, maybe even play? I guess God only knows, and that's the way it should be. So, in the morning I'll wake up and start a new day with a smile.

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